cover image: Reaching for the top : Vers de nouveaux sommets : rapport de la conseillère en santé des enfants et des jeunes



Reaching for the top : Vers de nouveaux sommets : rapport de la conseillère en santé des enfants et des jeunes

7 Mar 2008

To determine the success of programs and policies that help improve the health and The national mental health strategy being wellness of Canada’s children and youth – and developed by the Mental Health Commission then subsequently adjust those programs to includes a focus on children and youth mental make them more successful – high-quality data health issues, as mental health problems and informa [...] This Office and Advisor would report to the Minister of Health on the health THE rOLE OF THE status of Canadian children and youth. [...] At the time this report 2. Provide strategic direction on the was written, Canada ranked 13th out of 21 issues and challenges facing Canadian OECD countries in terms of the health and children and youth (including the safety of our children and youth, showing challenges and priorities facing the that there is much room for improvement.4 provinces and territories); and, We owe it to our children to [...] They urged focus and action on what they saw to be the three most important issues impacting the health of children and youth: injury prevention and safety, obesity and healthy lifestyles, and mental health and chronic illness.” listening to Canadians: What Canadians Said About Child and Youth Health BACkgrOuND For this reason, many of the recommendations that are made in this Report are designed [...] It is their direct input other important issues that merit mention, that led to the prioritization of the three child and that are central to the work undertaken by and youth health issues of injury prevention Health Canada and the Public Health Agency and safety, obesity and healthy lifestyles, and of Canada.
health youth government education politics children school science and technology evaluation obesity canada alcoholism autism medicine mental health services disease best practice wounds and injuries child health services well-being evidence-based further education health treatment first nations healthy healthier wellness autism spectrum provincial and territorial childhood obesity healthy lifestyles


Leitch, K. Kellie

9780662464563 9780662464556
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