cover image: Assistive reproductive technologies



Assistive reproductive technologies

16 Mar 2009

For economic information, MEDLINE® (along with PubMed for the in-process records), EMBASE®, and Web of Science were searched, along with the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) and the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination Databases (DARE, NHS EED, and HTA). [...] Limitations of the study were that it did not consider long term health and costs outcomes and that costs for antenatal care, outpatient visits, and postnatal home visits for twins and triplets were assumed to be the same for the singleton. [...] The major limitations of the study are that the authors calculated the ICER within IUI, SET, and DET and not between IUI, SET, and DET. [...] The primary limitation of the study was that effectiveness was defined as successful live birth and the long term health outcomes of twin gestations and births were not included. [...] Limitations of the study were that the analysis had a relatively short time horizon and that it could not differentiate the extent to which legislation or reimbursement accounted for the reduction in the multiple pregnancy rate.
health economics biology human reproductive technology literature medicine cost-effectiveness analysis health care low birth weight prevention embryo transfer in vitro fertilization assisted reproductive technology in-vitro fertilization health sciences mesh coefficient of determination multiple birth reproductive techniques, assisted pregnancies multiple births in vitro fertilisation pregnancy, multiple multiple pregnancy ivf assistive reproductive technologies multiple pregnancies


Chuck, Anderson

9781897443538 9781897443521
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