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Report Card on Alberta's High schools 2018 /

6 Jun 2018

Other indicators of school performance Since the first edition of the Report Card, we have tistically significant” to mean that, nine times out added other indicators that, while they are not used to of 10, the results displayed represent a real change, derive the Overall rating out of 10, add more informa- that is, it is unlikely that the differences in the tion on the school’s effectiveness. [...] To calculate The English as a second language indicator (in the the trends, the standardized scores rather than raw tables ESL (%)) reports the proportion of the school’s data are used. [...] To find the results of a school, The number of regular day students enrolled in grade find the city or town where it is located in the List of cit- 12 in the fall of 2016. [...] D (right)—Overall academic ranking K—Diploma completion rate The school’s overall academic rank in the province for The percentage of students, enrolled in grade 12 for the school year 2016/2017 and for the most recent five the first time, who received a diploma in the same years. [...] L—Delayed advancement rate E—Average exam mark The percentage of the school’s grade-10 students The average mark (as a percentage) achieved by the who are not likely to complete grade 12 within three students at the school on all of the diploma examina- years.
higher education education school science and technology psychology research culture language special education examination diploma human activities grade inflation further education report card english as a second or foreign language admission behavior modification grade 10 exam test (assessment) post-secondary grade 12
Published in
Vancouver, BC, CA

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