cover image: 900,000 days in hospital : Nine hundred thousand days in hospital : the annual impact of smoking, alcohol, diet and physical activity on hospital use in Ontario



900,000 days in hospital : Nine hundred thousand days in hospital : the annual impact of smoking, alcohol, diet and physical activity on hospital use in Ontario

27 May 2014

The variety of skill sets and educational backgrounds ensures a multi- v Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences 900,000 DAYS IN HOSPITAL: THE ANNUAL IMPACT OF SMOKING, ALCOHOL, DIET AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ON HOSPITAL USE IN ONTARIO List of Exhibits EXHIBIT 1 Definitions of behavioural health risks EXHIBIT 8 Hospital bed-days and costs for Ontario adults aged 20 to 79, by health behaviour, 2011 [...] The Seven More Years report evaluated the impact of individual health behaviours demonstrated that 60% of deaths are related to such as smoking and alcohol on health care use,2-7 and health behaviours.1 Improving the health of a few studies have evaluated the impact of a broader a T hese requests are submitted through the Applied Health Research Question (AHRQ) initiative of the Ontario Ministry o [...] Individuals in each household are were not pregnant, were between 20 and 79 years of 4 Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences M ETHODS 900,000 DAYS IN HOSPITAL: THE ANNUAL IMPACT OF SMOKING, ALCOHOL, DIET AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ON HOSPITAL USE IN ONTARIO age in the second year of follow-up (start of the study) and had consented to share their survey Behavioural and other risk factors. [...] For each sex, the percentage of bed-days The multivariable risk model was applied to estimate of the contribution of smoking to the risk of attributed to each and all of the four behavioural subgroups to create cumulative behavioural profiles hospital bed-days. [...] The summation of the sex-specific values estimate of bed-days for each age group and provided current estimates of the total number of summed the results to provide age-specific bed-days attributed to the four behavioural risks cumulative estimates of bed-days.
health education science and technology risk factors research obesity alcoholism diet health information health insurance hospitals life expectancy medical research medicine health care health behavior survey health status indicators behavior hospital cigarette healthcare policy health sciences healthy cohort study health informatics hospital utilization healthy living drinker health risk assessment institute for clinical evaluative sciences dieting publicly funded health care heavy drinker


Manuel, Douglas G, Rosella, Laura C. A, Perez, Richard, Bennett, Carol, Choi, Bernard C. K

9781926850481 9781926850474
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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