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2020 transportation vision report : Twenty twenty transportation vision report

15 Jul 2005

Page 29 2020 MTV Overview • The objective of the 2020 MTV consultation process was to ensure a high level of public awareness of our transportation infrastructure challenges and to encourage the public to engage in the debate and to take a shared ownership of the long-term solutions. [...] Objective & Mandate The objective of the 2020 MTV consultation process was to ensure a high level of public awareness of our transportation infrastructure challenges and to encourage the public to engage in the debate and to take a shared ownership of the long-term solutions. [...] The challenges that prevent Manitoba from more adequately partaking in the national mandate involve both the extent of the mandate’s defined goals and the relative isolation of the various partners who must co-ordinate to make significant strides in the identified areas. [...] Further, the committee has reviewed and explored a number of options for the creation of a Road Safety Council that would serve to co-ordinate the efforts of governmental departments and the broader public. [...] Regardless of the acceptance of any specific option, however, the Steering Committee recommends that the following items be taken into account in order to better address the safety concerns of Manitobans: 1.1 That the Provincial Government consider establishing a Manitoba Road Safety Council (MRSC) or some such body to co-ordinate the efforts of various ministries in their efforts to enhance the s
health innovation environment government politics economy taxation infrastructure business construction economic growth government policy highways transportation public works railway transport road safety transport rail transport tax airport economic sector public/private partnerships taxes manitoba rail traffic motor vehicle collisions artificial objects public–private partnership highway transportation and state
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