cover image: A detailed review of the research on leadership and student achievement : Analyse détaillée des recherches sur le leadership et sur le rendement des élèves



A detailed review of the research on leadership and student achievement : Analyse détaillée des recherches sur le leadership et sur le rendement des élèves

17 Nov 2006

The Institute for Education Leadership A DETAILED REVIEW OF THE RESEARCH on Leadership and Student Achievement A Support Document for the Leadership Self-Review Tool Ministry of Education Disclaimer The information and conclusions contained in this report do not necessarily reflect the policies, views, and requirements of the Ontario Ministry of Education. [...] What is the nature and support to measure up to the requirements of the of the issues? [...] Our answer: The tendency for most boards about the leadership role for boards of education, par- to micromanage, to become immersed in the day-to- ticularly in the establishment of a long-term vision: day administration of their districts that is properly the realm of the professional administrator. [...] Coleman and Larocque studied 10 school districts in British 13 SUPPORT AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The Need for Support and Training Models of Support and Training A survey of the 100 largest urban and ex-urban dis- Studies of the role of the superintendent recommend tricts in the United States found that the majority of professional development (Beaudin, Thompson, and superintendents say the job [...] DiPaola ally; increased poverty; a decreasing stock of social and Stronge in 2003 conducted a national study of all capital (physical, mental, and moral well-being); the of the 50 states in the U. S. to find out their policies shift to a post-industrial society; the advance of the and practices related to superintendent evaluation.
education politics school curriculum science and technology academic achievement business school management and organization leadership philosophy students succession planning teachers teaching assessment strategic management cognition strategies further education instructional leadership no child left behind nclb teaching and learning psychological concepts mentorship cognitive science mentors problems mentor no child left behind act adequate yearly progress educational leadership
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