cover image: A journey to enable better care : Vers l'amélioration des soins : la formation d'une équipe efficace et mobile de coordination des soins



A journey to enable better care : Vers l'amélioration des soins : la formation d'une équipe efficace et mobile de coordination des soins

7 Oct 2008

Building on the momentum of the Home Care Summits and recognizing the potential “ripple effect” of expanding the dissemination beyond the Summit participants, the CHCA has undertaken to document and publicize a selection of these innovative practices from across the country as High Impact Practices. [...] A centralized data support team responsible for service ordering, administrative functions and electronic file The Care Coordination Portal includes functionality that management was established enabling staff access to ensures the privacy and security of client personal the electronic file whether in the office of the commu- health information is maintained. [...] No longer being able to see their staff in person on a daily basis at the office, In addition to creating the electronic client record ac- the managers have employed a number of new ap- cessible through the Care Coordination Portal; provid- proaches: ing laptops; and establishing community offices, the staff were equipped with wireless high speed cards • Email, phone and videoconferencing are the [...] The CHCA defines home care Ultimately the CCAC’s goal is to modify practices to make as an array of services, provided in the them more client-centric and so it is important to understand home and community setting, that the personal impact to clients.
health innovation education technology science and technology psychology strategy business information management leadership medicine philosophy health care home care strategic management home care services wireless technology quality improvement change management further education health treatment case management (us health system) computing and information technology business process usability soins à domicile point of care home care agencies service soins domicile health care organizations kinetic concepts
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