cover image: A document review and synthesis of information on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) in Atlantic Canada : Étude de la littérature et synthèse de l'information sur ensemble des troubles causés par alcoolisation foetale (ETCAF) au Canada atlantique



A document review and synthesis of information on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) in Atlantic Canada : Étude de la littérature et synthèse de l'information sur ensemble des troubles causés par alcoolisation foetale (ETCAF) au Canada atlantique

7 Apr 2008

To this end, this document review and synthesis of information was commissioned by the Atlantic Region of the Public Health Agency of Canada and Health Canada, Atlantic Region - First Nations and Inuit Health on behalf of the Atlantic Intergovernmental FASD Partnership and its FASD Environmental Scan Working Group. [...] The report documents available information about the nature and scope of FASD in the Atlantic Provinces, the economic impact, factors associated with FASD in the region, and the current research and policy response in Atlantic Canada. [...] In its examination of the incidence and prevalence of FASD, the report compared the various measurement methods currently in use and reviewed Canadian studies undertaken to date on incidence and prevalence rates. [...] To situate the factors associated with FASD in the Atlantic Region, the report examined knowledge and attitudes concerning the issue on the part of both the general public and health care professionals. [...] The report includes an assessment of the relationship between the determinants of health and FASD, as well as a discussion of the factors involved in developing a demographic profile of FASD in Atlantic Canada.
health education school pregnancy psychology research drugs adolescents alcoholism medicine pregnant women social sciences alcohol substance abuse developmental disabilities further education alcohol consumption medical profession health treatment health sciences government health care alcoholic drink fetal alcohol syndrome fetal alcohol spectrum disorder binge drinking partial fas prenatal fetal alcohol effects syndrome d'alcoolisme foetal child-bearing troubles du développement


Roberts, Gary

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