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2004 NS VL self exclusion program process test

11 Jan 2005

Section 2 assesses the administrative Although the ability of VL retailers to correctly identify players participating in the self requirements of the exclusion program is fundamental to any such program’s success, compliance with the study and rates of administrative guidelines of a program is the second crucial component to the ultimate compliance with program protocols success and sustainabilit [...] In this regard considerable care was invested in ensuring the authenticity of program materials and support for the retail component of the program in order to • Focused solely on accurately simulate the retail identification requirements of a video lottery self-exclusion retailer program. [...] By Month of Trial ♦ Over the course of the study the accuracy of the reports filed by the retailers improved from about one-third of submitted reports corresponding with a “true positive” to just over half by the second month of the trial. [...] As the novelty of the program diminished retail staff was less attentive to the “paperwork’ requirements of the program, largely due to the tedium of the protocols, such as area breach reports and daily review of binder, and the conflicting demands of their other site responsibilities. [...] Another xv N O V A. S C O T I A. G A M I N G. C O R P O R A T I O N 2 0 0 4. N S. V L. S E L F. E X C L U S I O N. P R O G R A M. P R O C E S S. T E S T D E C E M B E R. 2 0 0 4 S U M M A R Y. R E P O R T P R E P A R E D. B Y. F O C A L. R E S E A R C H. C O N S U L T A N T S. L T D. contributing factor is the low return relative to the amount of diligence required in order to detect an “excluded
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Schrans, Tracy

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