cover image: Building a Canada that works : Prendre l'avenir en main



Building a Canada that works : Prendre l'avenir en main

9 Sep 2015

And we will unleash an army of carpenters, electricians The gap between the infrastructure funding our cities and contractors to take outdated and leaky public and towns need, and the funding they receive, is buildings – schools, universities and hospitals – and reaching crisis levels – Canada’s infrastructure deficit is plug the leaks that increase greenhouse gases and estimated to be upwards of [...] Truly universal health care means guaranteeing that all Canadians have Canadians know that the best way we can reduce access to the medication they need, and the Green the burden on our health care system is to work to Party will fight to expand public health care to cover ensure we don’t get sick in the first place. [...] We will fight to end gender-based discrimination in the workplace and in Canadian Providing our most at-risk citizens with the resources society at large, and ensure that Canada eliminates they need to make ends meet greatly reduces the the gender wage gap once and for all. [...] We begin by recognizing indigenous rights and title, We also recognize the critical importance of and will negotiate in good faith to settle land claims, defending languages and cultures, and will provide establish treaties and self-government arrangements, new federal funding for culturally appropriate and move to repeal the Indian Act should that be the education in traditional languages. [...] We will ensure Radio Canada and CBC have In addition, we will increase funding to all of Canada’s adequate and stable funding, reversing the Harper arts and culture organizations including the Canada Conservatives’ $117-million cut, and investing an Council for the Arts and Telefilm Canada.
health government education politics democracy economy poverty clean technology canada employment sustainable economy medicine transport voting tax election parliament stephen harper jobs affordable housing further education medication canadian broadcasting corporation canadian nationality law harper voting system anti-terrorism act, 2015 bill c-51
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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