cover image: A cross-Canada review of selected issues in special education



A cross-Canada review of selected issues in special education

13 Feb 2009

Senior Researcher ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The writer wishes to acknowledge the individuals who contributed so generously of their time and knowledge in the course of research conducted in the preparation of this report. [...] In light of the discovery that some extensive information gathering had already been done in the area of teacher certification, the writer truncated searches of related documents in that area and summarized key points related to the questions originally posed. [...] The Ministry specifies the areas of course content required in order to obtain a letter from the Ministry verifying that the teacher has met the standard. [...] Table 3 on the following page provides an overview of the approaches taken by various provinces/territories in the provision of professional development/training opportunities in the area of Special Education. [...] A number of post-secondary institutions are developing or have developed programs to fill this need, but there appears to be substantial variation in the content of the curricula and the length of the program, both across the country and within provinces.
education school teacher education curriculum psychology research special education students teacher training teachers teaching university learning teacher cognition college inclusion provincial provinces further education teaching and learning territories provinces and territories of canada pedagogy individualized education program


McBride, Shirley R

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