cover image: A fine balance : Juste équilibre : une retraite sûre, un régime abordable, des règles équitables



A fine balance : Juste équilibre : une retraite sûre, un régime abordable, des règles équitables

12 Nov 2008

While as Commissioner I remain solely responsible for the text of the report and its recommendations, these are the work of many hands — those of my public-spirited as well as expert Advisors, of my hard-working and capable staff and, not least, of the many Ontarians who communicated their hopes and concerns, and contributed their knowledge and views, to the Commission over the past two years. [...] Greg Sorbara, then Minister of Finance, to “examine the legislation that governs the funding of defined benefit plans in Ontario, the rules relating to pension deficits and surpluses, and other issues relating to the security, viability and sustainability of the pension system in Ontario.” In October 2007, Mr. [...] All of the briefs and submissions were informed by the presenters’ experience with the pension system; many involved extensive research and proposed imaginative solutions; and none failed to contribute to the Commission’s overall understanding of the issues it was mandated to consider. [...] The studies were designed to be objective, to bring the Commission and the pension community up-to-date on relevant developments, and to be user-friendly, in the sense that they would be easily accessible not only to the Commission but also to other readers. [...] The province’s ability to hold the line on taxes and to maintain the spending power of seniors will be increasingly crucial to the future health of its economy, as a higher and higher proportion of its adult population retires from the workforce and retirees spend longer and more active lives in retirement.
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