cover image: Re-evaluation project plan for dimethomorph



Re-evaluation project plan for dimethomorph

2 Jul 2015

The PMRA’s pesticide re-evaluation program considers potential risks as well as the value of pesticide products to ensure that they continue to meet standards of modern science and current policies established to protect human health and the environment. [...] Under the authority of section 16 of the Pest Control Products Act, the registrant of dimethomorph was notified of the initiation of the re-evaluation of dimethomorph. [...] This Re-evaluation Note outlines a project plan and timeline for review, and summarizes the anticipated areas of focus related to the re-evaluation of dimethomorph. [...] The project plan discussed below outlines the anticipated areas of focus and risk assessments required to complete the re-evaluation of dimethomorph. [...] Should additional information become available during the re-evaluation period that affects the regulatory status of dimethomorph, the PMRA will reconsider the areas of focus and risk assessments required.
health agriculture environment risk assessment pesticides pesticide safety chemicals medicine environmental pollution risk toxicology organic chemical certification toxicity health treatment environmental politics environmental science exposure assessment toxic occupational safety and health reference dose risk assessments toxicological reference doses
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